Target marketing trends on social media

There are around 4.55B people all over the globe who spend 2.5 hours daily on social media, and the number is growing. This is more than half of the global population! These figures show that this marketing tool remains to be a valuable and promising resource for brand promotion.   

Even before social media marketing became a trend, businesses have been using it to connect directly to their customers. And, every year, social media platforms evolve to offer more opportunities for brands to design marketing strategies for their target audience.  

In 2022, Facebook and LinkedIn are going to be big. Here’s why.  


Much has happened with Mark Zuckerberg’s college project and it continuously evolves to respond to the changing global market. It may have had its share of controversies for the past years. Despite this, it continues to be a force to reckon with considering that more than half of the global social media users are on Facebook.  

Among the promising social media trends that Facebook offers are free and paid groups. These groups allow marketers to target clients and direct campaigns, effort, and resources to a specific audience. Although creating campaigns for a general audience will open opportunities for a new following, groups increase the chances of marketing to an audience that would most likely patronize specific products or services.   

Groups also offer options for customization. Watch parties can be organized to stream videos that members can view and comment on in real-time. These watch parties allow marketers to directly communicate with the members of their groups. Administrators can also create stylized messages, choose specific fonts and colors, format posts, among others.  


LinkedIn is famous among businesses and business professionals. This demographic can already be used for targeted marketing especially if your product or business appeals to this type of audience. Improving this further was the Creator Mode which paved for the creation of unique content. With this mode, LinkedIn users can also convert their profiles so that other members can follow them. This new feature gives influencers an additional channel to communicate their brands directly to followers.  

To maximize these two platforms and make the most of these social media trends today, make sure to follow these best practices.  

First, customize content that communicates to the audience personally as this is the level of engagement that social media users prefer. And second, social media teams must be able to facilitate customer concerns immediately. It is no longer just about providing quality content. Among the best practices in social media that marketers must observe is for these platforms to become an avenue where customer concerns are addressed and responded to efficiently. 


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